Thursday, September 27, 2007

My new home

So I'm here in Nice, getting adjusted and settling in. I got a phone finally, and am on my way to getting a bank account. I visited my school as well, they're excited to have me and I'm excited to get started. It's about a 30 minute walk to work, not too shabby. I made a little vlog for you guys so you can see where I live. Hope you enjoy it (the opening sucks, sorry, running out of time).

To say this video is corny would be an understatement... but it at least does the trick.

I got stuck in the rain the other day, I was looking for a group of people half-way across town when a thunderstorm struck. I walked around for a bit, but eventually sought shelter in the Cathedral de Jean d'Arc. It was cool, very different from the other cathedrals and churches I've been in. I'll take pictures some time. It was scary though, reflecting on Europe's neo-paganism and wondering where America is headed. Powerful too, as the lighting knocked out half of the lights, and the thunder reverberated with a vengeance off of the walls.

The building is old, musty, dead. The only people that come and go are easily in their 60's, and the candle holders stand mostly empty.

I purchased a candle, lit it, and set it under a giant crucifix. Part of me wants to buy a ton of candles,and on some slow day go in and load up every candle holder in the place. I think Jesus deserves at least that much.


Anonymous said...

The cathedral sounds pretty cool. I like old musty buildings. The video is informative and entertaining, but all the moving around made me a little nauseas. But it was worth it. I would LOVE to visit you. :) You're in my prayers and in your honor, I'm going to try and get a pub lab job. We'll see how that turns out!

Jay said...

I'm not saying I don't appreciate your tribute, I just think that the lab is pretty much saturated with my honor already.

Unknown said...

that place looks nice (que in drums)

However, that beach was missing a key ingredient...that is all ill say