Saturday, September 29, 2007

Why? WHY?

I'm not saying I don't appreciate the free WiFi at McDonald's, I'm just saying that it sucks. I need more bandwidth! Uploading pictures takes long enough, but how will I ever share more videos with you guys? This is taking so long in fact that I'm going to run out of battery power before I get all of these pictures uploaded, and blogger is practically crashing on me, so I'll just put "imagine picture here" where they should be. Bah... humbug.

So here I am, back at the MacDo, but you'd be here too if your Micky Dee's had a view like this:

And don't say you wouldn't be because you're a liar. Even if you hate McDonald's you would frequent it if it looked out on such a blue and beautiful scene. You would. These are simple facts.

Last night I went to the Arianne, I believe that's the spelling. It's the second most dangerous ghetto in the entirety of France. I'm not lying now, this is what I was told. Now why, you might be asking (particularly if you're my mother), would you go to the second most dangerous ghetto in all of France? At 9PM of all hours (you might be asking as well)? The answer, my friend, is simple.

So, poker brings people together yet again. But since I'm the resident American I had the honor of teaching everyone how to play. This is not difficult in and of itself, I've played my fair share of poker over the years. What was difficult was the fact that I had to do it in French (or most of it anyways).

This proved interesting, almost as interesting as the transvestite prostitutes that parade near my apartment. Not quite that interesting, but pretty strange nonetheless.
And so, we played, and I won much. There was an extra sense of pressure on me though, being an American game I couldn't return home to Noah a loser.

So I fought hard, but sadly we quit before we finished the game. My various British, German, French, and Finish friends that I've made were fun to play with though, even if there were moments (long moments) where the betting got lost or someone forgot how to deal. There were many distractions, the adjacent game of UNO being quite possibly the worst. It wasn't really UNO, more like random screaming throw cards at each other game. I crave a real game of poker. I crave the destruction of Jon Pemberton. crave

But now, sadly, the weather is turning and my days on the beach are quickly coming to a close. I swam with Sebastian today for a bit (a German friend pictured above). He froze; not enough insulation.

I, however, am like a seal and was free to swim to my heart's content. I caught many fish and slapped my flippers together in rhythm. The Mediterranean is beautiful though, especially here. I don't know if you noticed in the pictures, but near the coast the water is a crazy bright blue, while farther out it's deep and cold. It's called azure, it's hot.


Le Cote d'Azur. If I find a girl with eyes like this I'm gone. But for now I'll be content to fall in love with the sea. And hopefully it will be content to fall in love with me. We shall see...


Dang McDonald's, I bet they make their chairs miserably uncomfortable on purpose too...


Anonymous said...

I wish I had eyes like the sea...not so that you would fall in love with me, but because it would be awesome. I feel that by reading your blog I can vicariously live through you. :) so keep writing. I lub you.

Anonymous said...


I got onto you're blog and loved it!! I read all you're blogs, there so good! You have a gift to really make a person feel like their experiencing it with you :) I love reading whats going on so keep them coming!!! And right now I will forward the blog site to Ali Weaver! Talk to ya later, love ya tons!
