Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Blog entry #2 for the month of January:

Dear Blog, today I walked a lot. In fact, my dear bloggerific friend, I walk a lot these days. Back in the old United States of America I used to walk between classes, to my car, and occasionally to my neighbor's place (assuming they were in an adjoining building). However my entire life has changed here in France.

You see, Blog, I don't have a car here. In fact, I haven't driven a car in over four months. Kind of strange, although it's nice not to have the extra responsibility. Now I can play with fire, drink alcohol, or even go blind, and my mode of transportation remains the same. I can walk and text or talk on the phone without any question of safety; I can even use both hands to carry stuff.

Point is, I walk a lot. Like 2 hours a day are spent walking here at least. That's pretty good, except for blisters. Blisters suck, Blog my friend. I know you've never had them, you're an expression of electric charges stored (or not) in some set of memory sticks and discs somewhere in what I like to refer to as the "internets."

However Blogeroo (you mind if I call you that?) I do get blisters. Especially when I wear my Chucks. Stupid French salesman sold me shoes that were a size too small, although I guess it's my own fault for buying them.

Point IS Blog, you need to stop hassling me to check you and update you so often because I have to walk at least 30 minutes just to get to the internets to service you. I mean, I want to; this isn't the point. The difficulty lies in motivation, and McDonald's doesn't hold much of it.

All this to say, sorry I haven't updated my blog in a long time. Life is good, I'm feeling really well and having fun. I almost feel like I fit in here in Nice; I know the area and have my favorite places all picked out. And now the sun is out (as are the half-naked old ladies sadly) and the warm weather is back... at least for a while. The pictures posted in this blog aren't of any consequence to its content except to say that they were taken while I should have been writing blogs.

And assuming that anyone reads this and says "I didn't even notice you'd stopped writing blogs" then you can just go ahead and shut up. I'm sure my mom noticed at least... I hope.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I read your blog...and I'm not your mom. Good thing too, that would be kinda wierd... :P