Monday, October 15, 2007

Let the craziness begin!

So a couple of crazy things have happened recently. We'll start with less crazy and move up. First, my friend Lenny is packing up and leaving town tomorrow, this is sad.

We had a going away party for her which was fun, and it sucks because she's definitely one of my favorites and is of course leaving a month into life here. That's how the cookie crumbles though.

Speaking of crumbling... well first. Second crazy thing was having two gorgeous girls skate up and hand me a flier today. Turns out they were strippers, thus the gorgeous. These things don't happen in Cheney. When someone told me I lived in the Red Light district I wasn't so sure, although the transvestites were a good clue. But speaking of crumbling:


Yes, this is not a joke. Someone lit a car on fire outside my window last night (where the picture is from). Unfortunately Noah didn't wake me up sooner so I could get better pictures. But thankfully the guys who put it out got to it before the gas tank went up. I

f this is not crazy, I know not what is. Apparently it happens a lot though, like last year when the Muslim youth rioted I guess a lot of them burned cars. Scooters get it more often though I guess. Just thought you guys would like to know.

What's funny is that I don't feel unsafe at all, I feel fairly amused. It was probably the funniest thing I've seen here yet. Ah France, how I love thee.

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